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Spousal Support Alimony in Ohio

Understanding Spousal Support / Alimony in Ohio

Alimony, also known as spousal support, plays a crucial role in divorce, dissolution, or legal separation proceedings. Unlike child support, there is no set formula for determining alimony payments, making this aspect of divorce particularly intricate and contentious. Both spouses may be required to provide support based on their income and resources, without regard to gender. Additionally, modifications to alimony may be warranted if there is a significant change in the circumstances of either party. With our extensive experience in addressing issues related to the termination of marriage, Mesaros Law Office has been steadfastly representing clients in alimony cases for many years.

How is Spousal Support / Alimony Calculated?

The computation of spousal support can involve a number of factors and can vary given the circumstances of your situation. Factors to be considered include:

The length of the marriage

Earning capacity of both parties

The health of both parties

The standard of living enjoyed during marriage

Assets accumulated during marriage

Whether a spouse is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed

The tax consequences of spousal support

While this is just a partial list, it serves as a general guideline to use when thinking about spousal support alimony. It is also important to note spousal support alimony may be subject to modification as incomes and circumstances fluctuate. Substantial changes in one's life, such as remarriage or job loss, can give rise to the ability to seek modification to the order.

Can permanent spousal support be modified or terminated?

Yes. spousal support can be modified or terminated. The spouses can also agree to make the order modifiable. Spousal support modifications are unique to each case but with our long experience in these matters we can

Changed economic conditions

Remarriage of the recipient


Entering into a relationship in another state that would constitute a valid marriage in Ohio

Cohabitation in certain situation

Retirement, and

Other circumstances in the Court’s discretion.

How Can a Skilled Attorney Help?

With a long and distinguished career in family law, attorneys Adam Mesaros and David Mesaros know how to advise clients on spousal support issues. While we encourage collaboration as the best way to determine fair spousal support, we will fight aggressively for your rights when agreement cannot be reached.

If you are seeking a spousal support in the Dayton area or have been served papers, Mesaros Law office is here for you. The attorneys at our law firm are compassionate and understanding while simultaneously unrelenting and effective. We seek the best resolution for our clients and always try to arrive at that resolution as amicably as possible. Contact a Dayton divorce lawyer at our law firm today to discuss your spousal support case..


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